
An essential part of research is providing attribution and acknowledgement of the contribution of others to a particular result. In a SPASE resource description there are two ways to provide attribution. One is in the Contact segment of the ResourceHeader, the other is through the Acknowledgement element.


In the Contact segment of a ResourceHeader it is possible to acknowledge individuals who have played a role in the generation of the resource. This can include everyone from the Principal Investigator who leads an investigation to the person who created the metadata which describes the resource.


An Acknowledgement is a prescribed set of text that users of the resource should include with any published use of the resource. The text is defined by the data provider. Typically an Acknowledgement will contain a reference to the data center or organization which provided the data. It may also contain references to an individual.

For example:

   National Space Science Data Center(NSSDC), Space Physics Data Facility(SPDF) 
   and IZMIRAN at Moscow
When using the resource in a publication an Acknowledgement might appear as:
The authors would like to thank National Space Science Data Center(NSSDC), 
Space Physics Data Facility(SPDF) and IZMIRAN at Moscow for provided the data
used in this research.