What is a Resource
A "resource" is anything which can be described and referenced. A resource may be conceptual, physical or digital. For example, a person is a physical resource, data is a digital resource and an annotation is a conceptual resource. Typically, only digital resources can be delivered to you and only information about physical and conceptual resources can be conveyed to you.
When a resource is described it is assigned a unique identifier. The value of this identifier is a required part of every description. The identifier is used to reference the resource, both externally and by other resources. See Learn how to create a SPASE Resource ID.Creating a Resource ID for more details on Resource Identifiers.
Resource Types
The resource types currently in the SPASE information model are:
Physical Resources
- A device that is used to sense and parameterize a physical phenomenon.Instrument
- A device that is used to sense and parameterize a physical phenomenon.
- The host (spacecraft, network, facility) for instruments making observations.Observatory
- The host (spacecraft, network, facility) for instruments making observations.
- An individual human being.Person
- An individual human being.
- A location or facility where resources are catalogued.Registry
- A location or facility where resources are catalogued.
- A location or facility where resources are stored.Repository
- A location or facility where resources are stored.
Digital Resources
- Listing of events or observational notes.Catalog
- Listing of events or observational notes.
- Plain or formatted text that may include graphics, sound, other multimedia data, or hypermedia references.Document
- Plain or formatted text that may include graphics, sound, other multimedia data, or hypermedia references.
- A graphical representation of data.Display Data
- A graphical representation of data.
- Data product stored as numerical values in a specified format.Numerical Data
- Data product stored as numerical values in a specified format.
- An accessible portion of another resource.Granule
- An accessible portion of another resource.
Conceptual Resources
- Explanatory or descriptive information that is associated with another resource.Annotation
- Explanatory or descriptive information that is associated with another resource.
- A location or facility that can perform a well-defined task.Service
- A location or facility that can perform a well-defined task.