What is a Resource

A "resource" is anything which can be described and referenced. A resource may be conceptual, physical or digital. For example, a person is a physical resource, data is a digital resource and an annotation is a conceptual resource. Typically, only digital resources can be delivered to you and only information about physical and conceptual resources can be conveyed to you.

When a resource is described it is assigned a unique identifier. The value of this identifier is a required part of every description. The identifier is used to reference the resource, both externally and by other resources. See Learn how to create a SPASE Resource ID.Creating a Resource ID for more details on Resource Identifiers.

Resource Types

The resource types currently in the SPASE information model are:

Physical Resources

A device that is used to sense and parameterize a physical phenomenon.Instrument
A device that is used to sense and parameterize a physical phenomenon.
The host (spacecraft, network, facility) for instruments making observations.Observatory
The host (spacecraft, network, facility) for instruments making observations.
An individual human being.Person
An individual human being.
A location or facility where resources are catalogued.Registry
A location or facility where resources are catalogued.
A location or facility where resources are stored.Repository
A location or facility where resources are stored.

Digital Resources

Listing of events or observational notes.Catalog
Listing of events or observational notes.
Plain or formatted text that may include graphics, sound, other multimedia data, or hypermedia references.Document
Plain or formatted text that may include graphics, sound, other multimedia data, or hypermedia references.
A graphical representation of data.Display Data
A graphical representation of data.
Data product stored as numerical values in a specified format.Numerical Data
Data product stored as numerical values in a specified format.
An accessible portion of another resource.Granule
An accessible portion of another resource.

Conceptual Resources

Explanatory or descriptive information that is associated with another resource.Annotation
Explanatory or descriptive information that is associated with another resource.
A location or facility that can perform a well-defined task.Service
A location or facility that can perform a well-defined task.